which is the best poem in my page?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Honoured Hearts!!

The patriots on the country's border,
Surged to strengthen, "The Mother Of Lands!",
Neither knew the fear of death- instead,
Smile on face brightened darker..

Roborant confidence was their power,
Audacious mind stood like tower,
Theism embolden them,
Love ruled them,

The patriots on the country's border,
Surged in to the death bed!

None moved backwards, crying to live,
They were heroic and faced the war land,
The missile flew as a sign of attack,
The young men's arms defeated them..

The patriots on the country's border,
Surged with wounded figure!

Some fell down, but didn't give up,
They kneeled and fought without legs,
Like a gee they were,
Love for her, was the gear to move..

Boldly they arose,
The cause of life triggered them,
Carefully they moved,
The bless of love followed them,

The patriots on the country's border,
Surged with armless figure!

They lost their hands- but
Never gave up their goal
Legs were their greatest weapon,
Bravery out burst from hips,
Honoured the love fot The Mother Of Lands!

Where lies the victory now?

In the hands of legless valiants?
No. was the answer!

Where lies the victory now?

In the hips of armless valiants?
No. was the answer!- but,
The twinkling love in their soul,
Made them succeed.

Not all returned back,
Not some won the battle,
All were glorified-but,
the greatest sleep was enjoyed by them,
Who died for her!

The patriots on the country's border,
Are honoured forever!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u hv a gr8 english knowledge.....

nice tauts...